Thursday, October 06, 2005

So last weekend i learned something. hah. God really opened my eyes to something more important than my head wanted to hear. Being humble is something that's so hard for most of us to do. I don't know if its harder for guys or girls, but I do know that everyone is almost always in competition to be better than the last person. I was reading a verse my friend wrote down for me and it was something like "Be humble before the Lord and He will raise you up"... and it just kind of stuck in my head. That and what Sean said on sunday morning when we were all sitting on the wet log benches of the ampitheater at pamona; "Fear tolerated is faith contaminated". It all came together for me this weekend. Yeah, everyone likes attention. I want to feel wanted, important, and unique. But what it really is is acting like Jesus. Jesus WAS wanted, important, and unique, but He surely wasn't full of Himself. He was the humblest of all.

I also experienced the act of sure, let's call it jealousy. Sometimes, when I want to talk to a friend of mine, someone I love with all my heart, I'll want her to just come and draw close to me, and spend time together: just us two. And I figured no one is perfect, and it doesn't always happen like that... and it's kind of the way Jesus and I are too. He wants me to draw near to Him all the time, but I don't always run into His arms first. Hm... it's funny when you doubt that there is anything else you could possibly learn about God, when you press in hard enough, you enter into a whole new realm of His presence.

On a lighter note, making new friends is fun. so is sleeping with rain drops bouncin off your tent. Watching your friend try to fish, but then she drops the pole from freaking out after seeing a bitty snake in the lake is hilarious. It's always nice to get to know who you really are more, too... and also who other people really are. hah...


Blogger jess said...

i love YOU lots MORE. =) =)

we should be doing our geometry right now... hah. oh well.

iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou, my precious jordancia.


12:20 PM  
Blogger f o r r e s t said...

I don't mean this in any way derogatory, but you seem to have a good grasp on life of a sixteen year old.

Pride and jealousy is something that I think all of us struggle with, but the abilty to catch oneself, to step back and see ourselves for who we are (broken), and to humble ourselves again and again is an amazing feat. You are so far ahead of the game, good job!

7:54 AM  
Blogger gigi said...

I totally agree with forrest. Your young and pure maturity is such a great example to your peers and even the old people like me...

12:10 PM  
Blogger jordancia said...

aww thanks guys. That makes me happy to hear that. And gina... if you say you're old ever again, i'm going to buy you a walker and gallons of tea. so shush! you aren't old at ALL. and thanks "forrest"... life is too short to not live and learn.

3:30 PM  
Blogger gigi said...

is that any way to talk to your elders? :)

8:31 PM  
Blogger jordancia said...

oh psh...

5:58 AM  
Blogger f o r r e s t said...

Yea Georgie, is that any way to talk to Gina, your elder and my elder?

3:27 PM  
Blogger jordancia said...

hahaha... oh man. what can i say?

5:00 PM  
Blogger jess said...

holaaaah bonita..
my precious jordancia.

you're sitting right next to me.


bye, love.


12:14 PM  
Blogger gigi said...

i love you jordie... thank you for being a good friend to ty. He needs you guys...

11:40 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Wow! That is something I struggle with every day. You put it in a way that really hit home.

PS Gina is actually REALLLLLY OLD. You should get her the walker.

8:34 PM  
Blogger meredithia said...

didn't know you liked family guy... me too!

the only thing this blogger thing needs are the eprops.

9:11 AM  
Blogger gigi said...

Seminole... you're just mad because i told you that your cat smells like pee... ;)

10:50 AM  
Blogger jordancia said...

hmmmmm. oh the joy of eProps...haha.

ewwww... why does your cat smell like pee?

2:38 PM  
Blogger gigi said...

my little sweetie... i miss you...

9:52 AM  
Blogger jess said...

Tomorrow it is, love.
I have serious stuff to talk to you about... be ready.

I love You.
talk to You tomorrow, my Jordancia.


9:49 PM  
Blogger gigi said...

Me and you and the most gorgeous kids in the world at the mall.

New victoria secret flannel polka-dot pajamas!

Dante screaming to get out of the girly bra store!

Cutie-girl on the horses ride from jordy.

Cutest twins ever in the play area.

Kind of hot asian guy walking around.

Total fun at libby-lou except when I knocked the whole rack of purses down!

Embarassed jordy pretending she doesn't know me.

Total hot $4.00 little girl goucho's and skirts too big for teeny-weeny gaby.

Yummy strawberry slushy drinks!

Total yummy pretzel bites.

Mean and grouchy gaby at lunch.

Total fun! Loved it and love you!

1:42 PM  
Blogger jess said...

long long long long long comment for you to read in seminar on thursday. :]
here we go!

well, i'm feeling right now... like, mentally, like jessica gibbons again. (this is a first in about 10 months). and you don't even know how happy i am!!! i'm just sitting here in tears right now because i'm so happy, yet so sad because i've missed out on my own personality in the last almost year. & it's probably the most bittersweet feeling right now. like, i'm totally happy because next time you see me, i'll be my old self - but even more improved. i don't know. i think i can explain this one better in person!
but anyways, i want to see you right now really bad. the entire senior high from my yg is coming up in an hour, & i'm totally excited. they're taking the church bus & everything! haha, there's going to be about 15 kids in my room. (i hope we wont get in trouble). anyways.
this weekend with the worship night, and with a potential sleepover that night, and then a fun girls night with miss giner.

i'm eating a fish fillet right now. haha. it tastes so good! especially since i know i wont get sick after eating it now!
I made something for you with the music therapists today... & i think you will like it. :] you can keep it for forever. "& think of me.

well, i'm going to eat my jello now. :] haha. call me if you want... i'll just be lying here.

we just sung my dad happy birthday... we got a free cake from the hospital! haha, how sweet are they?

remind me to tell you more about the childlife nurse and the music therapists... they had some awesome stuff to say. i'm totally doing this when i get older. some of the things they said were interesting.

hey, are we going to oklahoma together? that would be neat.
josh and i are going to go to colorado this summer... & i wish you could go. but i think he is wanting to invite a boy because dani and i are going with him... and another girl would make him feel weird..... but i totally want you to come!!!

when we're 18, we are going to do a serious road trip together... just the both of us. and it will be more than fun.
gosh. this comment is retarded. but i told you i would leave you a long one for yout o check out.

but i need to get going. drugtime! :]

i'll see you very soon.
i love love love you, my jordancia baby angel.


4:49 PM  
Blogger jess said...

you're at school.
& i'm at home, wishing i was at school.

i didn't talk to you yesterday. like... at all.
that wont become a habbit, right?
okay. good.

lets watch the island together soon... scarlett johansen is just too pretty. i love her. but ewan mcgregor deflowers her... and that is stinky.

i'm listening to mr brightside right now. ha. it makes me happy. happysong!happysong!happysong! kind of. the lyrics aren't, but the music totally is. the musicvideo is totally all about moulin rouge... and that makes me really happy.

okay. this is long. i hope it gives you something to do in seminar on thursday. haha. =)

i uh-boo.


11:38 AM  
Blogger jess said...

so, last night... janessa made me sit down and actually watch american idol. (i wasn't very happy by this, because tv is stupid except for general hospital), and actually, i laughed very hard. it's hilarious... i want to watch it sometime with you. we would laugh so hard at these people. except it's kind of sad, because these people that go on this show, they are so passionate about being a singer, and then the judges totally crush their dreams. but it's still funny. ;]
ahaaaha, you're going to hate me with all these comments from me! haha. sorrrrry. :]
well, i hope saturday morning breakfast can work out... we will see. this weekend is going to be crazy! i'm excited for crazy weekends again, though. :] it's been so long since i've been able to say that.
"there's an angel by your hospital bed, desperate to hear your name on her breath... as we wait, she looks down.. you're not making a sound. so, open your eyes! & look at me... i'll bring you whatever you need"
so so so sad, but the angel by your hospital bed makes me think of you. for real. everytime. and i think i just told you that in a comment on your xanga, but i don't care.
i'm totally tired. i'm going to go take a nappp.
talk to you soon, love.
keep on keepin' on..
i love you with my whole heart<3 =)


9:52 AM  
Blogger gigi said...

You're mom is scary when she's mad. Can she teach me to do that? I don't think I can scare Tyler anymore. No fair...

12:29 PM  
Blogger gigi said...

you have no life...stick to myspace and xanga...


12:59 PM  

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