Thursday, October 06, 2005

So last weekend i learned something. hah. God really opened my eyes to something more important than my head wanted to hear. Being humble is something that's so hard for most of us to do. I don't know if its harder for guys or girls, but I do know that everyone is almost always in competition to be better than the last person. I was reading a verse my friend wrote down for me and it was something like "Be humble before the Lord and He will raise you up"... and it just kind of stuck in my head. That and what Sean said on sunday morning when we were all sitting on the wet log benches of the ampitheater at pamona; "Fear tolerated is faith contaminated". It all came together for me this weekend. Yeah, everyone likes attention. I want to feel wanted, important, and unique. But what it really is is acting like Jesus. Jesus WAS wanted, important, and unique, but He surely wasn't full of Himself. He was the humblest of all.

I also experienced the act of sure, let's call it jealousy. Sometimes, when I want to talk to a friend of mine, someone I love with all my heart, I'll want her to just come and draw close to me, and spend time together: just us two. And I figured no one is perfect, and it doesn't always happen like that... and it's kind of the way Jesus and I are too. He wants me to draw near to Him all the time, but I don't always run into His arms first. Hm... it's funny when you doubt that there is anything else you could possibly learn about God, when you press in hard enough, you enter into a whole new realm of His presence.

On a lighter note, making new friends is fun. so is sleeping with rain drops bouncin off your tent. Watching your friend try to fish, but then she drops the pole from freaking out after seeing a bitty snake in the lake is hilarious. It's always nice to get to know who you really are more, too... and also who other people really are. hah...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

a letter from my Prince...

I made her...she is different and unique; with love I formed her in her mother's womb. I fashioned her with great joy. I love her smile, I love her ways, I love to hear her laugh and the silly things she says and does. She brings me great pleasure. This is how I made her. I made her pretty but not beautiful, because i knew her heart, and knew she would be vain.... I wanted her to search out her heart and to learn that it would be me in her that would make her beautiful and it would be me in her that would draw friends. I made her in such a way that she would need me. I made her a little more lonesome than she would like to be...only because i want her to turn to me in her loneliness.... only because I need her to learn and depend only on me.... I know her heart; I know if I had not made her like this she would go her own chosen way and forget me, her creator. I have given her many good things and happy things.... because I love her. Because I love her I have seen her broken heart...and the tears she cried alone, I have cried with her, and had a broken heart too. Many times she has stumbled and fallen alone only because she would not hold my hand. So many lessons she's learned the hard way, because she would not listen to my voice. So many times I have set back and sadly watched her go on her merry way alone, only to watch her return to my arms sad and broken. And now she is mine again... I made her and bought her because I love her. I have to replace her and remold her to renew her to what I have planned for her to be. It has not been easy for her or for me. I want her to be conformed to my image...this high goal I have set for her, because I love her. ~Jesus

Monday, September 26, 2005

the beginning...

So I made this to see all those hip adults who actually have a blog spot.
Haha... Maybe I'll use it :-)